]\cmdlist cmdlist -moveright -movedown -activate -zoom -stats -topshots updatescreen setclass setweapons savegame selectNextBuddy addtt unignore ignore showstats buddylist fireteam weaponstats unready unpause unlock topshots timeout timein statsall specunlock speclock specinvite scores say_team say_teamnl ref ready readyteam players pause notready lock commands bottomshots ? swap_teams reset_match start_match followprev follownext nofatigue vote callvote setviewpos addbot follow team noclip notarget god give listbotgoals tell say_limbo say kill forcetapout cpm undoSpeaker modifySpeaker dumpSpeaker editSpeakers ToggleAutoMap generateTracemap -mapexpand +mapexpand MapZoomOut MapZoomIn selectbuddy -vstr +vstr toggleswing statsdump keyon keyoff currentTime autoScreenshot autoRecord +topshots +stats openlimbomenu VoiceFireTeamChat SetWeaponCrosshair messageSend messageMode3 messageMode2 messageMode VoiceTeamChat VoiceChat wm_ftsayPlayerClass wm_sayPlayerClass mp_fireteamadmin mp_fireteammsg mp_QuickMessage loadweapons loadhud fade tcmd tell_attacker tell_target weaponbank weapon weapalt weapprev weapnext weapprevinbank weapnextinbank weaplastused zoomout zoomin -scores +scores viewpos prevskin nextskin prevframe nextframe testmodel testgun taginfo gfxinfo screenshotJPEG screenshot modelist modellist skinlist shaderlist imagelist cinematic cvarlist touchFile fdir dir path devmap listcampaigns campaign s_stop s_info s_list streamingsound music_queue music play setRecommended singlePlayLink buyNow LoadTranslations SaveNewTranslations SaveTranslations updatehunkusage cache_endgather cache_mapchange cache_setindex cache_usedfile cache_startgather fs_referencedList fs_openedList showip serverstatus ping setenv rcon globalservers localservers reconnect connect stoprecord demo record disconnect ui_restart vid_restart snd_restart snd_reload clientinfo configstrings cmd help -mlook +mlook -leanright +leanright -leanleft +leanleft -reload +reload +zoom -attack2 +attack2 -sprint +sprint -prone +prone +activate -button4 +button4 -salute +salute -useitem +useitem -button1 +button1 -attack +attack -speed +speed +moveright -moveleft +moveleft -strafe +strafe -lookdown +lookdown -lookup +lookup -back +back -forward +forward -right +right -left +left +movedown -moveup +moveup clMessageMode3 clMessageMode2 clMessageMode condump clear toggleConsole killserver loadgame spdevmap spmap gameCompleteStatus map sectorlist map_restart dumpuser systeminfo serverinfo status clientkick kick heartbeat vminfo vmprofile in_restart writeconfig changeVectors quit meminfo set bind exec seta unbindall bindlist unbind wait echo vstr cvar_restart reset setu sets cycle toggle 278 commands ] ] ]\cvarlist ui_connecting "0" com_errorDiagnoseIP "" cg_ui_voteFlags "0" UR cg_etVersion "Enemy Territory, ET 2.55" cg_debugSkills "0" auth_refereePassword "" auth_rconPassword "" R authLevel "1" UR cg_uinfo "13 0 100" C cg_animState "0" "30000" cg_norender "0" cg_timescaleFadeSpeed "0" cg_timescaleFadeEnd "1" C cg_cameraOrbit "0" S cg_enableBreath "1" cg_stats "0" C cg_thirdPerson "0" C cg_thirdPersonAngle "0" C cg_thirdPersonRange "80" C cg_tracerlength "160" C cg_tracerSpeed "4500" C cg_tracerwidth "0.8" C cg_tracerchance "0.4" C cg_footsteps "1" cg_showmiss "0" C cg_noplayeranims "0" C cg_nopredict "0" cg_errordecay "100" C cg_debugevents "0" C cg_debugposition "0" C cg_debuganim "0" C cg_animspeed "1" cg_messagePlayerName "" cg_messagePlayer "" cg_messageType "1" cg_message "1" C cg_swingSpeed "0.1" C cg_centertime "5" C cg_gunZ "0" C cg_gunY "0" C cg_gunX "0" C cg_draw2D "1" cg_gun_frame "0" cg_ignore "0" com_missingFiles "" sessionstats0 "0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" session0 "3 600 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" wstats0 "0" bot_frameroutingupdates "1000" bot_findgoal "0" memorydump "0" bot_profile "0" bot_verbose "0" nextcampaign "" g_debugSkills "0" cg_letterbox "0" S R mod_url "" R g_alliedmapxp "0" R 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2003" S R gamename "etmain" sv_serverRestarting "0" C cm_optimize "1" C cm_noCurves "0" C cm_noAreas "0" cl_downloadName "" savegame_filename "" ttycon "1" net_port "27960" net_ip "localhost" net_noudp "0" debug_protocol "" ui_mousePitch "0" R g_currentCampaignMap "0" R g_currentCampaign "cmpgn_wwt" R g_oldCampaign "" R ui_blackout "0" cg_botMenuType "0" R ui_profile "" U g_password "none" ui_isSpectator "1" ui_weapon "MP 40" ui_class "Soldier" ui_team "Axis" ui_objective "" ui_limboMode "0" ui_prevWeapon "-1" ui_prevClass "-1" ui_prevTeam "-1" ui_cmd "" ui_limboObjective "0" ui_limboPrevOptions "0" ui_limboOptions "0" headModel "" ui_Q3Model "1" R cg_clipboardName "" R ui_notebookCurrentPage "1" R ui_cdkeychecked "0" R ui_spSelection "" ui_userAxisRespawnTime "0" ui_userAlliedRespawnTime "0" ui_userTimeLimit "0" RI g_botsFile "" RI g_arenasFile "" s_initsound "1" I s_nocompressed "0" C s_testsound "0" C s_show "0" s_debugMusic "0" R s_currentMusic "" s_mute "0" sys_cpustring "" R r_previousglDriver "libGL.so.1" L r_allowSoftwareGL "0" r_maxpolyverts "8192" r_maxpolys "4096" C cg_skybox "1" C r_noportals "0" C r_lockpvs "0" C r_drawBuffer "GL_BACK" C r_offsetunits "-2" C r_offsetfactor "-1" C r_clear "0" C r_showmodelbounds "0" C r_shownormals "0" C r_showsky "0" C r_showtris "0" C r_nobind "0" C r_debugSurface "0" C r_logFile "0" C r_verbose "0" C r_speeds "0" C r_showcluster "0" C r_novis "0" C r_nocull "0" C r_ignore "1" C r_drawentities "1" C r_norefresh "0" C r_lodscale "5" C r_measureOverdraw "0" C r_skipBackEnd "0" C r_showSmp "0" C r_flareFade "5" C r_flareSize "40" C r_portalOnly "0" C r_lightmap "0" C r_drawfoliage "1" C r_drawworld "1" C r_nocurves "0" C r_wolffog "1" C r_bonesDebug "0" cl_cacheGathering "0" L r_cacheModels "1" L r_cacheShaders "1" L r_cache "1" r_saveFontData "0" r_printShaders "0" C r_debugSort "0" r_debuglight "0" r_showImages "0" C r_directedScale "1" C r_ambientScale "0.5" C r_zfar "0" C r_znear "3" LC r_singleShader "0" L 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"0" A vm_ui "0" S A sv_hostname "pbt@p.h" S R A sv_punkbuster "0" S R A sv_minguidage "0" S A sv_maxRate "0" S A sv_minPing "0" S A sv_maxPing "0" S A sv_floodProtect "0" S A g_friendlyFire "1" S AL g_maxlives "0" A sv_allowDownload "1" A sv_master2 "" A sv_master3 "" A sv_master4 "" A sv_master5 "" A sv_lanForceRate "1" A g_altStopwatchMode "0" A g_complaintlimit "0" A g_fastres "0" A g_fastResMsec "1000" S A g_antilag "1" A sv_dl_maxRate "42000" A sv_wwwDownload "1" A sv_wwwBaseURL "" A sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0" A sv_wwwFallbackURL "" A con_debug "0" A con_autoclear "1" A cl_autoupdate "1" A cl_yawspeed "140" A cl_pitchspeed "140" A cl_maxpackets "100" A cl_packetdup "1" A cl_run "1" A sensitivity "5.531250" A cl_mouseAccel "0.25" A cl_freelook "1" A cl_allowDownload "1" U A cl_wwwDownload "1" A cg_autoswitch "0" A cg_wolfparticles "1" A r_inGameVideo "1" A cl_doubletapdelay "0" A m_pitch "0.022000" A m_yaw "0.022" A m_forward "0.25" A m_side "0.25" A m_filter "0" A cl_maxPing "800" A 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"GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" A r_swapInterval "0" A r_gamma "1.500000" A r_facePlaneCull "1" A r_railWidth "16" A r_railCoreWidth "1" A r_railSegmentLength "32" A r_primitives "0" A r_trisColor "0 0 0 0.3" A r_normallength "0.5" A cg_shadows "1" A r_highQualityVideo "1" A r_lastValidRenderer "GeForce4 Ti 4200 with AGP8X/AGP/SSE/3DNOW!" 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